Ladies' Sports Models
I have intentionally stayed away from the ladies' models, not because they aren't beautiful--they most certainly are!--but rather because I wanted to limit my focus and the scope of my collection. However, of late, a few ladies' models have found their way into my collection. Most recently, for an absurdly low price, I picked up these two late 1920's models. They are both part of the 1920's Ladies' Sports Models collection, of which I have one other--the Wimbledon (1929 and 1930 versions). I also have a 1929 ladies' model that is likely also to be a Sports Model--judging by its size and style--but, as yet, there is not ad that shows it. I may continue to collect this particular line of ladies' Bulovas. We'll see. In the meantime, aren't these nice? I may have to collect all the enameled models.